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This R&D pipeline tracker reflects the pipeline as of August 2019. For an updated pipeline as of August 2022, please refer to the new Infectious Disease R&D Tracker. It contains a comprehensive list of products and candidates for an expanded range of global health priority issues, including both neglected and emerging infectious diseases.

Navigating the pipeline

This site is designed to be interactive. It provides visualisations and tables which can be filtered to give more granular information. Click on any of the titles below to view the most up-to-date neglected disease R&D pipeline.


Number of candidates (by disease)

Number of candidates in development displayed by disease, product type, archetype, complexity and R&D stage.


List of candidates (by disease)

Candidates in development and their developers.


Number of candidates (by sub-disease)

Number of candidates in development displayed by sub-disease, product type, archetype, complexity and R&D stage.


List of candidates (by sub-disease)

Candidates in development and their developers.


Hover over the information icon next to each display for instructions on how to use the filters.

R&D pipeline tracker.


Policy Cures Research Ltd Paramount House
55 Brisbane St, Surry Hills NSW 2010 Sydney, Australia


ACN 613 777 478

Policy Cures Research Limited is a Health Promotion Charity incorporated in Australia.

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